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My Self-Describe


My complete name is Praditya Nurizky, people called me Praditya. I’m 21 years old when this writing is made by me and currently have study in Gunadarma University at Information System since September 2014. I’m a person who likes learning things. Well, in my opinion i’m not really fast learner. However after I was used to the things that i learn, i was faster rather than other people. I’m really enjoying for the cooking, mechanics repairing, sport activities, and cleaning things. 

About my ability in my field, I’m expertise at designing front-end website, making some open-source programs, logical mind, public speaking skills, leadership, and presentation abilities. 

My resolution in this year?, I want to be better big brother for my dear little brother. Finish the essay as soon as possible, and be more productive at my office. By the way, when this writing is made I still work for Gunadarma University as Student Lab Assistant in Laboratorium Sistem Informasi (or often known as LabSI) from October 2016.